AR Collector career at PSA Healthcare in Norcross

PSA Healthcare is at the momment seeking for AR Collector on Wed, 27 Jun 2012 12:37:27 GMT. PSA Healthcare is dedicated to helping provide a better quality of life for our patients and to promoting professional opportunities for our employees, while upholding our commitment to our shareholders. The employees of PSA share a vision of the role we play in the health care industry. We are committed to responsible care in maintaining our position as the leading provider of pediatric health...

AR Collector

Location: Norcross, Georgia

Description: PSA Healthcare is at the momment seeking for AR Collector right now, this career will be depute in Georgia. More details about this career opportunity kindly see the descriptions. PSA Healthcare is dedicated to helping provide a better quality of life for our patients and to promoting professional opportunities for our employees, while upholding our commitment to our shareholders. The employees of PSA share a vision of the role we play in the health care industry. We are committed to responsible care in maintaining our position as the leading provider of pediatric health... . If you were eligible to this career, please send us your resume, with salary requirements and a resume to PSA Healthcare.

Interested on this career, just click on the Apply button, you will be redirected to the official website

This career starts available on: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 12:37:27 GMT

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